Give Blood, Save Lives

Hurrni, jag kom på en sak. Jag vill slå ett slag för blodgivning. Jag tycker att det är viktigt att ge blod lite då och då om man är frisk. Vi i Sverige är bortskämda med väldigt bra sjukvård (trust me, jag har sett hur det är här). Vi förväntar oss och räknar med att få hjälp (alltså blod) om något händer oss, vilket vi också får. Jag tycker dock att vi alla borde delta mer och bidra med blod till våra sjukhus. Vi kan inte få om vi inte ger. Det kostar inget förrutom möjligtvis lite tid... sen är det inte heller farligt. Så kom igen nu, jag tycker verkligen att ni ska ge om ni kan. Det skulle jag göra här om jag fick, men eftersom jag inte har några officiella papper på att mina blodvärden just nu är bra så får jag inte det.

Ville bara säga det...

Postat av: emily

jag önskar något enormt att ja kunde ge men jag väger för lite.. jag låssades sist jag skulle ge blod att jag vägde mer men jag mådde pyton efter så tyvärr var det inte värt det.. men SJÄLVKLART ska man ge om man kan :)

2010-02-21 @ 02:12:14
Postat av: Mumin

...I agree..unfortunately I am not eligble to donate ,due an illness as a mere babe...

..tried calling you last night, well actually early evening, as I was watching the skirace, which the Swede won...boy what a race, I could not even sit in my chair but bounced around the room like a hellion cheering Olsen on, and when I could not get hold of you, I decided to call lilla My instead, as I figured it was not too too late, and surely she was watching, but alas, the poor thing was sound asleep, and very rudely woken up by a screeming Mumin, telling her to put on the TV, as surely all of Sweden was up and she did and got in on that final last kilometer incredible must have been one of the most best races I have ever said the American reporter also..even he was screeming...I can just imagine the noise all over Sweden...puh..what a race...cudos to Sweden...

...and then today for that asshole Norvegian to be such a poor sportsman...makes me sad almost I got my name from Per Gynts I always had held the Norvegians very high in my esteem...bah humbug to them......but then again the Russian was a sore loser too, but that is something one almost expects of least in sports..always have been poor love lost there either from my side for them either....

by the way you never answered what that movie is we are supposed absolutely see, is it out at the movies or on DVD or what...and maybe you could give a brief synopsis what's it all about...please...

..and now back to the Olympics...Skicross right now, something not known to well over here, and I do think it should be called Jumpcross, as I do not see them skiing but merely flying from jump to'a nice little challenge' to quote the TV reporter...we must all try to keep El Professore away from this form of skiing for all hear maybe Rilleman also...and T alias Papa for sure...

Spotted Pig, eh... read a book a while back in which it was mentioned...just don't ask me the title...just another library book...but the food doeas sound incredible...

Sorry for this very long inlägg..

Au Revoir, a la Canadienne!

2010-02-21 @ 18:44:50

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