Here is Gone!

You and I got something
But it's all then it's nothing to me
I got my defenses
When it comes to your intentions to me
And we wake up in the breakdown
In the things we never thought we could be

I'm not the one who broke you
I'm not the one you should fear
We've got to move you darling
I thought I lost you somewhere
But you were never really ever there at all

And I want to get free
Talk to me
I can fear you falling
And I won't tempt to be
All you need
Somehow here is gone

I am no solution
To this sound of dispollution in me
And I was not the answer so forget you if ever thought it was me

I'm not the one who broke you
I'm not the one you should fear
We've got to move you darling
I thought I lost you somewhere
But you were never really ever there at all

And I want to get free
Talk to me
I can fear you falling
And I won't tempt to be
All you need
Somehow here is gone

And I don't need a fall out
Of all the past that's here between us
And I'm not holding on
And all your lies weren't enough to keep me here

And I want to get free
Talk to me
I can fear you falling
And I won't tempt to be
All you need
Somehow here is gone
And I want to get free
Talk to me
I can fear you falling

I know it's out there
I know it's out there
I can fear you falling
I know it's out there
I know it's out there
Somehow here is gone
I know it's out there
I know it's out there
Somehow here is gone

"Here is Gone" by Oasis. Sa har mar jag nu. Lika illa, lika ledsen, lika klar som sangen! Nothing more, nothing less!

Postat av: Göran

Det låter absolut inte bra och jag vet inte hur jag ska förstå utan att ställa frågan, har detta med A (eller vad han nu heter?)att göra och i sådant fall har ni gått skilda vägar!!??

Om det inte har med han att göra, borde ju han finnas vid din sida nu, mer än han tidigare funnits!!? Är det å andra sidan att du saknar mamma, pappa och kompisarna här hemma, är det (tycker jag) lite lättare att tackla, för de finns ju kvar och du/ni har säkert kontakt med varandra flera gånger per vecka, åtminstone de som du värnar mest om...

Det är lätt att komma med klyschor, så som att det kommer flera goa killar och mister man en står det tusen untanför dörren osv. Jag tror att du är lite lik mig i detta fallet (alltså om det har med kärlek att göra!?) och då menar jag att jag inte haft så himla många tjejer genom åren, mycket pga. att man lägger in så mycket i en förälskelse och det blir såå jobbigt när det inte håller, oavsett vad detta beror på. Sen blir man inte attraherad av allt och alla, det kan gå lång tid innan man träffar nån som det känns bra med och man synkar med och som man känner är "värd" att satsa på...

Tyvärr går man på en del minor innan man hamnar rätt och då börjar det riktiga hästjobbet, dvs. att bibehålla den, kärleken alltså!!

Det finns många hinder att, tillsammans, ta sig över och om man, efter X-antal barn och andra "svårigheter" fortfarande har ett liv tillsammans, ska man vara lycklig, för jag tror att det är väldigt lätt att glida ifrån varandra i allt som sker i en familj under barnens uppväxt och det bär ruskigt lätt att man glider ifrån varandra i just detta skede...

Ja, det var några tankar från din favvo farbror och jag vet inte om de hjälpte eller möjligtvis stjälpte hela båten för dig, men jag menar väl, var så säker!!!


2008-10-22 @ 09:11:11
Postat av: elin


Vill du ha hjälp med bloggdesign eller vill du ha hjälp med en header?

För mer info, gå in på


/ ELIN ^^,

2008-10-22 @ 20:58:35
Postat av: El Diva!

jag vil inte ga in pa djupet pa vad det handlar om, i alla fall inte just nu. kommer formodligen ett kansloladdat inlagg snart. Men tack for de fina orden och visst ar det sa ratt det du skriver. Ibland har man sjalv svart att satta fingret pa vissa saker och da ar det extra skont nar nagon annan lyckas. kommer som sagt tillbaka med hur det ligger till och forklaring.

tack och kram!

2008-10-22 @ 21:06:00
Postat av: Göran

Inget du behöver tacka för, se bara till att du mår så bra du kan och jag hoppas bara att man nån gång kan vara en god medmänniska och i ditt fall, god gudfader... F-n, det lät riktigt schysst. Gudfader!!! Har inte riktigt tänkt på det tidigare.

Om du har tid, kan du väl slå en liten flukt på min blogg, jag fick en tanke härom kvällen och det kan vara så att jag sjösatte projektet idag!!?? Vi får väl se...

Tusen och en kramar till dig mitt kära gudbarn!!


2008-10-22 @ 22:13:26
Postat av: Mumin

....oK El Diva,I am going to go out on a limb here, but call me an ass for assuming it is indeed A it all boils down to.

Well my dear...time to take inventory...

about the relationship,

why did it start

what was so special

what did/do you have in common interests

who did what, and who gave what

who gave in most often

who was most klangande

who was most demanding

who was most childish

who who who...and the list goes on....

and hopefully will

a) take your thoughts onto some new tracks, rather than just moping

b)give you new insight into yourself, and maybe realise there's things in you, that need chamging, before the next bout with Love

c)realise one can not channge a person past the age of 4...we humans are pretty much well formed by then...and seldon diviate from our central pattern of behaviour past that age...although we are a lot better at masking things of course...but it all will show up in the wash, as soon as we enter a serious relationship...and this goes for both men and women alike... just sit down and filosofera, rather than cry and sulk and feel sorry for yourself..OK...

..AND if you do find out, that maybe you yourself are as much to blame for a sunken boat...look at your own side of flaws and how to maybe improve on them, or at least be really seriously and honestly aware of them, before the next big love arrives on the horizon...and if you think they really are not seriious enough, but part of who you are, at least give warning the the man in question if form of an intelligent discussion, at which he may put forward his flaws, which he knows are hard for the opposite sex to deal with, yet he thinks are also very much part of who he is...and IF this discussion goes well...then by all means proceed to level two...and then upward and onward...and who knows where you might land...maybe Happy Land...

...needless to say..this discussion does not happen on the first or second date...BUT nor does a romp in the there...

..enough said my little sad but beautiful El Diva...

Big Hug!

2008-10-23 @ 02:33:48
Postat av: me mumin ...igen

...back I was sitting here writing to some friends, I suddenly recalled the movie Juno, which I know you all saw...but do you recall that little speach her father had at the very end of the movie, when Juno came home totally heartbroken because the future adoptive parents had decided to split, or he had, she hadn't...anyway this is what he said, as close to as I can answer to Juno's question..

" can two people stay happy together for ever?"

"words words words...and then..not easy that's for sure,but the best thing you can do is,find a person who loves you for excactly for what you are,good mood bad mood,happy or sad, pretty or ugly, handsome..what ever...

...the right person is still going to think ther's sushine up their ass...and that's the kiind of person that's worth sticking with... it seems my little Diva, you now have the awesome task of finding THE guy who thinks you fart sunshine...but oh boy, what a get to it, and happy hunting...and when ever you start to falter and find yourself get week at the knees in front of some twotiming romeo, just ask him...

"do you think I fart sunshine"....and take it from there...

Good Night.

2008-10-23 @ 05:42:08
Postat av: Liza

Såklart love, min resa är ju självklart inräknad i de 10 veckorna.

Hur mår du? Maila mig.

Älskar dig

2008-10-23 @ 18:59:13
Postat av: Mumin

...OK...enough is enough...time for you to join the living...we are only patient for so long...and then...

..hey guess new swedish friend Eddie, the one who markets the Swedish little fighter plane, what ever it's called, completely drawing a blank on that one...anyway, he came trough and sent some Classic coffee...yippee...happiness is a cup of good Swedish Coffee...

Good Night Hug...and see you soon, same place..same time...RIGHT HERE on the blog...

2008-10-24 @ 03:30:20

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