Val val val...


Nu när jag har startat mitt nya häslosamma liv räcker det ju inte med att bara lägga om träningsrutinerna.
Jag måste äta ännu mer hälsosammt nu också (undantaget är såklart glass).
Men hur i sjutton gubbar ska jag kunna välja "pålägg" till min frukost-yoghurt när det finns så här mycket att välja mellan.
Müsli, Granola, Flingor, sötat, osötat, med torkade frukter, med russin, krisp, puffar och mycket, mycket mer. 
Affären har ägnat en hel gång till bara detta och jag står hjälplös.

Postat av: mumin how can one start a "hälsosamt liv"..and in the next sentence mention "dagen efter"..once again I refer to the oxymoron in that statement...but who cares..right..du levde loppan, to use a very old and dated expression...your mention of our kind of shopping style makes me so homesick for lilla Mys affär...sooo much nicer than the ones over here...even the smell..mmmmm..this country only goes for quontity..not quolity,'s in the middle of the night here, and a whopper of a snow storm has decended upon us, and I am wondering if the same storm hit back to shovel duty come morning..ugh..actually I quite like it, and even end up shoveling a lot of neighbors sidewalks, as otherwise they don't get done, and I hate walking in the street going to my car,so what the heck..oh by the way, now that you live over here, you have to adher to an old American superstitious tradition (or English as it originally came from there with the Pilgrims I guess)anyway, you must start the first day in a new month by saying, Rabbit,Rabbit..and don't even ask why..just do it..
En Stor God Natt Kram...

2008-03-01 @ 07:58:00
Postat av: Farmor

Det är inte riktigt rätt att ni har fått och får så mycket snö, när vi hade velat ha lite av den varan.Barnen i alla fall.När jag hämtar barnen på dagis så säger dom alltid att dom har åkt bob i den backen,det har bara hänt ett par gånger i vinter.Men Mumin det är bra för kroppen att jobba o få frisk luft. Här regnar o blåser det så man har inte lust att gå ut,men jag får väl se under dagen.

2008-03-01 @ 10:34:13
Postat av: mumin ...igen

...well got your's pouring cats and dogs here right really is a hell of a changeable climate this New England region has..I went to bed at 3 in the morning, to a raging snow storm, only to wake up to this at 8...but at least it makes the shoveling bit easier...and a perfect day to stay curled up in front of the fire with a good book...and roast marshmallows....yummy yum quote Mia...even the dogs look at me like I was insane when I opened the door for them this morning...but you know no mercy Smitty...out they were booted...and of course got their revenge upon re entering the house...water every where... and a lovely scent of "Wet Dog" perfumed the air...Ugh..
Josse I am still working on that "blue coaat" mystery?????

Keep warm and dry sweetie...

2008-03-01 @ 16:24:06
Postat av: Jossan

I agree with farmor, I want some snow aswell. Now, it's just cold... not very nice.
The blue coat, unfortunately, is still a mystery to me too cause I havn't decided yet... But I promise I'll let you know as soon as I do!
and... going out can actually be very good for you. I don't drink every time I go out but I dance my ass off all night long and that is "free" exercize.
How would you feel about me coming to visit you maybe in the near future?
Kisses to all!

2008-03-01 @ 16:56:54
Postat av: Jessica

Helt rätt, glass kan man faktiskt inte vara utan, ingår i kostcirkeln tror jag :) puss

2008-03-01 @ 23:22:50

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