
byline bild här till vänster. Den är ifrån helgens bravader och jag kände att jag ville updatera med en ny, fräschare pic. Vad tycker ni?

Postat av: Görang

Nya pics, till det bättre, du ser lite mer avslappnad ut!!

Här händer mycket, dock inget som gagnar varesig er "Over there" eller dem i Sthlm, men vi ska ha en sommarfest på lördag och det blire väl en c:a 60 pers som dyker upp!? Kul, men det har varit lite mycket på slutet och jag ser fram emot sommarlovet!!!

Endera dagarna ska jag skriva på bloggen, dvs. om den är brukbar nu!?

Ha det bra!

Farbror G

2008-06-09 @ 23:30:18
Postat av: Görang

Nya pics, till det bättre, du ser lite mer avslappnad ut!!

Här händer mycket, dock inget som gagnar varesig er "Over there" eller dem i Sthlm, men vi ska ha en sommarfest på lördag och det blire väl en c:a 60 pers som dyker upp!? Kul, men det har varit lite mycket på slutet och jag ser fram emot sommarlovet!!!

Endera dagarna ska jag skriva på bloggen, dvs. om den är brukbar nu!?

Ha det bra!

Farbror G

2008-06-09 @ 23:31:05
Postat av: Mumin

...that's it El Diva...you (we) might as well say solong to one and all, until further notice from you in the fall...or at least until the never frånvarande regn finds Sweden once again, as it is SURE to do...presently the rain is here in USA but in the Midwest somewhere causing all kinds of flooding problems...but never you worry Sweden...it's coming your way...and just in time for Midsommar...ha ha ..skade glädje..hi hi..

...and what's going on with El Professore...has senility set in or what...sending everything double...tsk tsk...

...and I say it again..cool new pic..by the way,it shows you are working out...

...nice cool ocean breezes up here tonight...good for sleaping...and then more heat and sun tomorrow...yeah,let it shine...


2008-06-10 @ 05:06:22
Postat av: Jossan

Mumin, I would so want to join you with the skadeglädje and all for midsommar, but since I'm going back home for just that I'm kind of hoping to see the sun for at least a couple of days. But after this heat, a quick rain shower is more than welcome. I am dying over here. Lucky for you guys that you get to go to the beach and enjoy the ocean. I have to settle for a quick splash of water from a water fountain every so often. Isn't that just lovely!

Oh and before I forget, gp easy on El Professore, I think he is feeling a little tired and is just waiting for the summer break. Then I'm sure he'll be back, like himself.


2008-06-10 @ 05:37:23
URL: http://diamante.blogg.se/
Postat av: me again

...oh yee of little faith..well that's me in this case...and you of big faith..once sommarlovet starts, then there is a thousand golf tournaments, and Gotland, and Smillan, and packing the kids off to camp, annd working with his friend the chef, and all those pittle projects El Professores wife, El Commandore has lined up for him to do...so don't hold your breath too long darling El Diva...

...but seriously somebody has to keep razing him...way to tame other wise...and he would miss it...

2008-06-10 @ 06:15:25

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