Allt annat än positiv!

Har en ömmande blåsa under en tånagel. Fråga inte hur den kom dit för det vet jag inte.

Jag har ett pyttelitet skavsår från min sportbehå som gör ont som f*n. Förmodligen för att jag har använt den så mycket den senaste tiden. Sen hjälper det ju inte att det är regnskogsfuktigt så att hela kroppen sväller.

Jag torr-fjällar på ena axeln.

Jag har jätte mycket att göra i skolan och det är ointressant och oinspirerande.

Jag vaknade på fel sida och nu har hela dagen varit ganska usel. Jag är Miss Negativity idag och ska snart gå och sova!

Over and out!

Postat av: Mumin

...finally the heat has somewhat settled, although now it's raining cats and dogs instead,at a flick of a hat...and stinking humid, djungel hetta for sure...and we are in for a whole week of it...

..oh shut up El Professore, we can complain as much as we there...and that goes for the rest of you also..double so there...

...poor poor little many problems..and all alone in the big bad city...snyft snyft..but cheer up..your big day is coming...and you will be LEGAL...yippeee...ra ra ra...

..any plans for the big day..too bad you are not coming up, as there is going to be a big Partei next door on Saturday...and some of the guests will actually be your age...well almost anyway.. I took the 3 girls on a shopping spree to Burlington Mall,they all had their own Birthday money to spend, and you have seen nothing yet, until you have seen those three loose and in shopping mode...must say we almost rivaled the SATC girls, at least we sasheyed as well as they do..we really had a wonderful time,icecream and Pizza and all... and then we took in a little dinky travelliing circus in the evening, complete with pony rides...all in all a wonderful day...

...and then work tomorrow, thank goodness, the coffers are empty once again...BUT.. I did get some wonderful lanternns to hang from the umbrella on the deck, can't wait to try them out tomorrow night...

...oh and on the hottest night here, on Sunday when I got home from work, and Dan was outside watering the flowers I challenged them all to a wet T-shirt contest...which Dan and his 24 year old daughter immidiately took me up on, but alas not pooper...but oh boy did it ever feel Gooood...a must do when you next come up, if the heat hangs on...that is...needless to'll win hands down for sure...

...and now Good Night.

2008-07-22 @ 05:33:46
Postat av: Liza


2008-07-22 @ 10:08:47
Postat av: Görang

Diva!! Shitty days like that, you just want to get back into bed, dont you!!??

Well, life is like that sometimes and if you can tell your self that you are indeed lucky, you just might think so in the end, because theese "small" problems we have is usually nothing compared with other peoples life, EVERY DAY, ALL YEAR LONG!!??

So, consider yourself lucky to have a blaster on your toe, because you have one!!

Fast det är skönt att tycka lite synd om sig själv då och då!!??

Mumin, I know something about shopping as well, or should I say, me girls does (sometimes I get the "opportunity" to tag along!) It´s very...

About wet t-hirt... It´s more of a challange if the weather isn´t that hot... I meen, a hit is more fun when the water is cold and you hurt more to get water on yourself!!?? But you americans are a bit soft... Normally we use icecubes and icewater!! The Scandinavien (Viking)way!!

Bye bye rubarb-pie!!


2008-07-22 @ 10:44:06
Postat av: Jossan

Tack till er for att ni piggar upp mig, far mig att ma battre och satter ett leende pa mina lappar. Klart att jag ar lycklig och tacksam for allt jag har. Jag har halsan i behall, jag har tak over huvudet och kan ata mig matt varje dag. Ibland ar det bara skont att fa kasta av sig lite anga. You know?

Men jag ska rycka upp mig och idag ar en nya dag.

Mumin, I might not come up this weekend after all. Have been invited to things I don't want to miss so we'll see.

Kram och kyss och hjartligt tack!

2008-07-22 @ 13:52:56
Postat av: mumin ...igen

,,,you should absolutely go to something you have been invited to..specially something different..something one should not miss...and the weather really is not the best...cold actuaally, can you believe it,and rainy...and Marblehead will always be here...has been for hundreds of go..have super fun...and

..well actually only if your toe permits it...


2008-07-23 @ 07:07:55
Postat av: Mumin once again..and again and again...

...have you ever had one of those days, where you are free, and have a million things planned for the day,some very important, some not, yet when you actually get out of bed, the day sort of slip slides along, and nothing planned seems to get done or accomplished...and the feeling in the pit of your stomach is unclear to say the least..a bit flippy... a bit sad..a bit uncertain...and yet there really is no reason for just happens..

..well that's where I am here I am as I don't seem to to be able to focus on anything else...maybe later..

...and then as I had seen this really cool list of ..

9 MUST-DO SUMMER IDEAS , I thought, oh well, why not pass it on to pass time if nothing else..and I felt sure you, El Diva and Liza with a Z,was just the perfect recipients of such advise..heh heh... here goes..

1. Skinny Dip.

2. Go MakeUp-Free. (for a week)

3.Sleep Outside. (worried it'll be too chilly.Buy or borrow a double-wide sleeping bag,and get frisky under the stars with your man/lady.

4.Plan a Backward dinner Party, where you serve dessert,followed by a main course, followed by an appetizer.

5.Indulge in a raucous water fight.

6.Visit a Summer Music Festival.(Wear you sexiest tank top and rock out like a teenager)

7.Write a letter to the First Summer Love who broke your heart.(Tell him/her how amazing your life is and how much better off you are without him/her. DO NOT send it.)

8.Finally jump off that high dive at your local pool.

9.Sit in the front seat of the first car on the roller coaster.Raise your hands in the air, when you're plunging down the hill.SCREAM.LOUDLY!

...and then for a really cool picnic idea(or Party) at least for over here..

Sofia Minis (cans of champagne that come with tiny straws)... how cool is that...

..I am rushing right out to get at least I have accomplished something worth while will be the carrot that entices me to get out and do..what ever I had planned all week..


2008-07-23 @ 18:45:45
Postat av: Jossan

Åhhh Mumin vilken bra listan. Den ska jag använda, den kommer till och med nog att komma upp på någon av bloggarna (om det är ok?)

You always manage to put a smile on my face and your witty comments really make me stop and think!

We I come to Marblehead next time, we're starting writing your book. The world needs to meet you!

2008-07-23 @ 19:12:41

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