Turist all over again...

är precis vad jag har gått och blivit. Klart jag vill visa min nya stad för vännerna. De vill såklart se och göra allt som alla andra vill se och göra så det är bara att bita i det sura äpplet och palla sig ut. Men kul ska det bli! Vi har ganska fint väder så det blir nog till att prommenera större delen av dagen men ett och annat stop på ett museum ska vi nog kunna klämma in.

Jag vill tacka alla som engagerar sig i bloggen och skriver inlägg lite då och då. Kommentarer uppskattas verkligen och noteras såklart. Jag tror det var pappa som sa att min blogg nu har blivit ett forum för många att "träffas" på, så keep going strong! Det värmer så mycket!

Så här kul hade vi på Retreat igår kväll:






Postat av: mormor

Nu tror jag att jag är först med att läsa och kommentera. (Jag tror jag kom före Liza eller?)
Sitter här och väntar på att tv-programment Let´s dance skall börja, det är det ända roliga jag har. Så roa dig lite grann åt mig också.

En kram till

2008-02-15 @ 19:17:05
Postat av: göran

Blir man någe trött eller? Jag hade suttit och filosoferat över en mängd saker, såsom självsäkerhet, tv-program samt mycket mycket mer och som avslutning raljerat över min okunskap i ämnet datorer. Vad tror ni händer då jag ska sända in skiten (ursäkta spårkbruket!)JO! låg status i mottagningen och hela texten försvann out in space!
Tack och god natt min skatt!
Professorn! (var tvungen)

2008-02-15 @ 21:59:57
Postat av: mumin

....now J, surely in this day and age, nobody under the age of 30, comes to NY to sight see!!!!
And certainly not on foot!! So just shove them onto one of those "NY for $15" bus tours, and then come evening...ah.. show the NY they really have come to see....and... as we all can see from your photo montage you actually did...smart girl...and you know what...your pictures really are poems without words... we all love them......now is it the warming trend in the South of S, that woke up the Professor, as he surely shot out of his den ready to take on the world...thank goodness he'll be on time out...or we all would have to totally change our light frivolous style and start quoting Byron and Shakespeare, there is actually a very good quote by Keats "Philosophy will clip an angel's wings" , which I always have interpreted like this...do not be an orator, only speak right on...but that is just my opinion,as that is what I do... so there......now the subject 'datorer and lost in space" is very dear to me,as frequently I too visit that wonderful place, called " lost in space".... it must really be quite a place, since nobody ever seems to return from there...anyway by any chance did the lost message contain pertinent information as to the happy arrival of the new family addition soon to be arriving at your house......must add, I so enjoy your blog J, because like your wise Papa pointed out...one gets little bits of news from
all over...in addition to your thrilling escapades ...makes me wonder though ....how are you going to keep this up for 4 years????????????????????????? Don't worry about us, we are a tough bunch, we'll hang in there to
the bitter end...

2008-02-16 @ 01:23:52
Postat av: Göran

So,youre kicking on the new are you!?
Well if you dont want me to write about lord Byron and that other bloke you were talking about, dont and J meen it dont give me the oportunity by naming them! And by the way, it´s you guys that brought up things like poet, Byron and Shakespeare,not me. I´m
just happy and trying to blend in!
The seven puppies were (as you all understand) wonderful, we wanted to take them all with us! Unfortunately I´d forgotten to charge the camera so you won´t be able to see for your self!
Bye bye!

2008-02-16 @ 16:51:09
Postat av: göran

It should be the new guy!!! Of course!!

2008-02-16 @ 16:53:49
Postat av: mumin

....oh my dear Professor...I love you my old friend...truly we all do...so please please keep on blogging...oh and by the way... you now most defintely earned the title "Professor" as you now have joined the ranks of Professor's ....forgetfullness being one of their most distinct characteristics...and you, forgetting to mention what kind of wonder is arriving....and to charge your camera...tut tut..
by the way..where does lilla My hide out...does anybody know???Never see her on this space...me thinks it's up to "Papa" to exlore...


2008-02-16 @ 18:27:53

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