Pillutta er...

Det här blir ett kort inlägg. Ska bara stoltsera med att jag nu ska bege mig till Central Park för att studera. Jag ska ha pick-nick med mig själv medan jag läser mina böcker. Jag inser att effekten av mitt pillutta-er-inlägg inte blir lika stor då ni också har haft fint väder hemma och kanske inte blir så avundsjuka, men försöka kan man ju alltid.
Tar med mig kameran så jag kan  knäppa lite härliga vårbilder till er.


Postat av: Mumin

..totally agree..Cameron Diaz's dress won "Best in Show" from me..oh sorry, that term is only used in Dog shows..oh well..today was indeed a beautiful day even up here in North country,and Mia and myself spent the morning sledding...we had the
hill all to our self..what bliss..and even better..Mia is now old enough, she brings her sled( a VERY light weight one)back up the hill all by herself...and only needs help to get back on and sent off down the slope..which really is a blessing for me,due to my knee problem...and boy did lunch taste mmums...and welcome back Professor...any photos???

2008-02-25 @ 21:37:14
Postat av: me back

... your mention of a pick-nick,reminded me of Mia asking why we had not taken one with us..as sleding and making snow Angels is hard work...next time for sure...

2008-02-25 @ 21:44:52
Postat av: Göran

Photos!!!!???? are you kidding me?? Does professors take photos???
We did, but neither Rickard nor Thomas is here to help me get them in this damn computer! I´m not W.C in dealing with tecnical things, unless I really sit down and get to do it with a by-stander (who knows what is to be done). Thank you (by the way) for welcoming me back, I wasn´t sure you did?
I´m not sure we have your e-mail adress, can I get it?
About "Best in show" Our puppies father is a champion from the US!!! Kennel Gråskäggs owner (Mona Bengtsson) broat him over and the mother is also a Champion, so we´ll see what we can do in a couple of years? We´ll bring her home next friday!!
If your NOT interested in Prag, now is the time to shut down!!
Prag was lovely in many ways, the old buildings that never ended (and I liked Gamla stan before), to light-setting (Cech´s are very good in lighting up buildings) on a lot of plases (Castle and bridges for example). From our hotelroom we had a lovely wiew over the castle-area (huge area!) on the hill-side!
The cultural side of Prag was very well considerd as well, with operas, plays and ofcourse a lot of classical music (we didn´t do any of thees things) but we visited the Kafka-museum (he probably had a little trickie upbringing to say the least!?). We also looked at Salvadore Dhali and Mucha (a famous cech artist). We visited some really good restaurants and had a couple of tasty saus..(korvar)! The cech´s are also good in produsing beer and their wine isn´t that bad either.
Now I have to go to bed, because it´s a day tomorrow aswell (hopefully!?) and it´s soon midnight on this side of the pond!
I´ll see about thoose photos!?
Bye bye!

2008-02-25 @ 23:48:37

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