Ny bild...


Vad tycker ni om min nya profilbild? Är den lite för mycket pose? För mig är det nya jag i nya stan.

Postat av: Annelie

Set snygg ut som profilbild, men i inläggen var den lite stor ;) hehe

2008-02-24 @ 02:24:24
URL: http://anneliemalmgren.blogg.se
Postat av: Bjarki

snygg men lite överexponerad, kan fixa den åt dig om du vill? bara slänga iväg ett mail.

2008-02-24 @ 02:25:46
URL: http://bjarki.blogg.se
Postat av: Jossan

Annelie: Tack, och jag håller med, som inlägg är den gigantisk.
Bjarki: Tack, men jag vet inte vad överexponerad betyder... får se om det blir någon mail... men tack!

2008-02-24 @ 02:34:02
URL: http://diamante.blogg.se
Postat av: kusse malin

Thea undrar om hon kan skicka ett brev till dig josephine? Snygg bild, thea ropade rakt ut när hon såg dig.(tror hon saknar dig lite)
Massor med kramar

2008-02-24 @ 09:21:35
Postat av: kusse malin

försöker just nu förhindra Thea att ringa till dig, hon bara pratar om dig, ritat 3 st teckningar. bara för att vi såg dig på bild!!

2008-02-24 @ 09:27:26
Postat av: Jossan

Åhhh Hej Thea! Jag saknar dig också!!! Mest kramar till dig!
Min adress är:
3rd Avenue
apt 3A
New York
Skicka hur många teckningar ni vill!!!!
Kram på er!

2008-02-24 @ 16:01:19
URL: http://diamante.blogg.se
Postat av: Liza

hihi tack..
ska göra mitt bästa när åker Viktor dit??

2008-02-24 @ 16:50:44
URL: http://entvatankar.blogg.se/
Postat av: Mumin

...over exposed means too light,not enough contrast...do let B fix it,it's easy...winter wonderland still here, and my parking lot looked like a fairy bakery, filled with huuuge sugarspun cakes of various sizes...just waiting for candles and roses..and just little tracs from a rabbit marking the other wise completey pristine snow cover...and of course my camera was at home..much like you J whom I actually had counted on showing us Central Park in it's winter finery...Wow you would have gotten some incredible shots...but there will be other times...and what is this I read...are you really intending to stay in NY over the summer????är du riktigt klok????and just a fan won't cut it, on that you can depend...but now one can by small air conditioners that do not need to be put into a window, so maybe you should go on line to look into one of them when the time comes...and be careful with Brians music so it does not get stolen...sorry to have to rain on your parade...but until he actually has his own name on it legally it's dicey...as well he knows I am sure...and as for Thea's paintings...surely "uncle Rickard" can put them on line for all of us to admire....yes,yes more work R...but what are computer gurus for if not to be used,right..and soon Julia will also produce her art work...so be prepared so to speak...and lastly ..thank you Liza for taking on the assignment I gave you...since you are in handles kunskap..something... something, it should be right up your ally....somebody once defined me in these words.."Alis volat propiis"...which loosely translates to.."She flies with her own wings"...which I always have done for sure...so now I pass that mantle over to you Jossan and to you Liza...you go girls..fly...

Does Snow Angels send kisses...sure they do..

2008-02-24 @ 19:13:34

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