Those who wish to sing, always find a song...
Skorna; ja tack!
Ganska ovanlig dag igår. Spenderade 3 timmar på NYU Medical Center som stöd för A som var tvungen att sy 4 stygn i handen. En lite olycka kvällen innan med ett krossat glas, inga andra större skador och allt är bra nu. Så nu har jag upplevt ett New York sjukhus. Inget speciellt, ett vanligt sjukhus bara, men som allt annat i det här landet var det ju såklart gigantiskt stort. Blev sedan en lugn middag hos A tittandes på The Dark Knight.
Planerna för dagen är att åka ut till Brooklyn och hänga i Williamsburg. Får se hur det blir med det eftersom det regnar. Skulle annars kunna tänka mig en bio eller en hela-dagen-fika. Vi får se!
...been thinking of you and Geoff, and how lucky you guys were to get out with no svin baciller i do wash and clean your hands, and avoid close encounters on trains and such for a while framåt...walk instead...
..oh and by the way, I will be working both Sunday and Monday on Memorial day, and also Thursday until 8...but will send you plans on how to get here via public transportation...hopefully the worst has blown over by then... now that the big day has passed...where did 'the now old one' hide out...oh and those shoes definitely are not 'a must have'...ugh...but then again, I rest assured in your 'tomma plånbok 'syndrom, which new shoes...thank goodness..hi hi hi...
...oops. me thinks I have joined the ranks of' the old one', short memory syndrome, as I had intended to inquire about your Unique blog...what gives...??
As you might already have found out, the "old one" were here, I mean in Malmö!!