Python eating dog... yummy...?
Nog for att jag inte gillar Chiuor men det har ar ju bara fel. Stackars lilla hund.
(Det har bevisar vad jag alltid har trott, allt som kommer fran Norge ar lite weird :D)
...oh me God..where did that horrible picture come from...did you really say a friend???????????I'll be sending that person my psychologist bill,whom
I'll be seeing,in order to rid me of night mares caused by that picture...if I had one.....a psychologist that is...and now that you got everybodys blod pressure up by a few...what happened to the blue jacket? Just up and vanished, replaced by something red??? True mystery...also if you feel "deppig" it's only to be had a whirl wind introduction to life in NY the first weeks there, and the weather was beautiful...and now you are working more, and the weather ..well not the best maybe, and things are settling down a an evening with Geoff and family..and/or a shopping day should definitely be on your agenda soon,either just window shopping or the real thing and/or maybe a nice visit to your local library...I always get a calm feeling when I enter our library here, and after half an hours browsing, maybe sitting down reading in the reading room, I always feel better...don't know why...well after all...written words are food for the soul...the book I am reading just now,is called "everyone worth knowing" by Lauren Weisberger,who incidentally wrote "the devil wears Prada"...and the opening line is "How does it feel to be one of the beautiful people"...and now I am going to throw out a challenge to everybody..from where is that line taken...and who wrote it...???oh OK..I give you a has to do with music... and as for the word the professor is looking's stroll(leisurely walk)...also I went looking for "Smillan", and found her mama Gin Fizz and her papa Kenzo,but alas no puppie pictures any more..just one sort of...and I am glad you are getting a "salt and pepper" version, as that is definitely the best color combination...and I do believe the original color of that breed..but you must have more knowledge than me on that...and lilla My, send several of the smallest burkar of Nes caffe, rather than one big one,as they do lose in flavor and aroma once opened...
you know Josse,I am sure we all would love to see some pictures of your school environment,and also see how your room turned creative were you..please please please...
and my compliments to the professor for writing in English..good for my writings..I looove to write, but not in Swedish any more..and yet oddly enough..when ever I am missing a word, it always comes in Swedish first into my brain...go figure...incidentally,Nina has the same curious habit...and yet her mother tounge is English..
I totally agree with Mumin, it´s horrible!
I can´t help thinking about people that does stuff like this, they must have serious problems. Ok, you got a boa (or what ever) and he/she has to eat, but would you, under any circumstance give your "pet" another pet!? You can discuss this for a long time and were do we draw the line? Would it be okay to feed it with a rat? Some people gets offended by that! Anyway, with my skandinavien eyes, it´s gross!!! End of that!!!!
I also agree with Mumin about the library and that the written word is soul for your mind and body!
Isn´t Smillans parents good looking? Yes, there is only one picture of the puppies, but it could be any one of them (they are so alike!)and when we get home I promiss we will take photos and show you guys.
I´m not sure, but I think "salt and pepper" is the original color?
About stral or stroll, I remembered that word when I went to bed, of course and almost got up, but just almost because I was to tired.
About "How does it feel..." I think it´s an old Beatles song, but of course I could be wrong?
Jossan, if you feel a bit so so, you can start figuring out how your designersbrand is going to look like or what things your collection will contain. You might go for a long walk or jogg in the park or write a novel or book? If I got time to kill, I would really love to (try) write a book (or something close by anyway). I´ve been thinking about that for a long time and some day...
Well, we´ll have to see about that?
If you (J) think it went pretty well, you probably did just fine!?
Jossan, if you got some time on your hand, way dont you visit the local library and look up Franz Kafka.
Sorry Solweig but I have to write this in swedish!
Till stor grund för den s.k "Kafkastämningen" ligger Franz Kafkas känsla av utanförskap. Eftersom han var tyskspråkig var han utanför den tjeckiska kulturen, pga. att han var jude var han utfryst ur stadens tyska koloni och eftersom han inte var troende stod han även utanför det judiska församlingslivet. Att han sedan hade en komplicerad och smärtsam relation till sin far gjorde inte saken bättre. I hans författarskap återkommer han ofta till att världen är absurd och ogripbar "människorna är grymma, onåbara och samtidigt offer för all slags tarvlighet och ondska". Han såg tillvaron som en labyrint ur vilken människan inte finner någon utväg. Det finns mycket att säga och läsa om denna man och hans skrivna stoff, men det får ni själva mäkta med, om ni orkar, själv blev jag matt av att bara bevista utställningen om hans liv.
Vad vill jag då ha sagt med detta, ja inte vet jag!?
Tänkte lite på dig och hur du kanske känner dig, "ensamen" i storstan och kanske lite tom eller låg efter tentan och kompisar som flugit sin kos.
Nåväl, måste kila vidare, ha det nu bra ALLIHOPA!!!
Jag tror att vi alla (oavsett var vi befinner oss) kan känna det du känner."Man" måste själv jobba på att finna sin inre frid, det är inte alltid enkelt. Ta fasta på de stunder då du mår som bäst försök att återskapa de stunderna så ofta som möjligt, även gå till de platser som ger lugnet tillbaka.De finns några snabbare vägar till inre frid, men de är inte att rekommendera, droger eller religion Puss Puss